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Thrapston Primary School

Policies and Premiums

Please find below links to Thrapston Primary School's current policies and strategies as well as information about how we will use our Pupil Premium and Sports Premium funding.


Thrapston Primary School is a member of the Brooke Weston Trust

Please find the policies and information listed below on the Brooke Weston Trust website:

  • For the Safeguarding & Child Protection policy
  • For the Child on Child Abuse policy
  • For the Exclusions arrangement policy
  • For the Charging and Remissions policy
  • For the BWT Complaints Policy
  • For the Equalities Policy
  • For the Freedom of information policy

Thrapston Primary School follows the Brooke Weston Behaviour policy, please click here.

Other Important documents:


  • Privacy Notice and Data Protection
  • For the Trust privacy notice and Data Protection Policy, please click here.

Pupil Premium and Sports Premium

Please find details about Pupil Premium and Sports Premium in the drop down menus below:

sports premium

Current Sports Premium Information

The PE and Sports Premium Plan 2023-24 will be published in July 2024.

For information about how Sports Premium is used, please read the below link:

Historic Sports Premium Information

pupil premium

Pupil Premium -What is it?

The pupil premium fund is an allocation of money given to schools/academies each year by the Government to reduce inequalities and improve the attainment of the following children;

  • Children in EYFS to Year 6 who are, or have ever been, entitled to free school meals based on their family income.
  • Children in care (LAC)
  • Children previously in care who have been adopted, or who have a special guardianship order, a child arrangement order or a residence order.
  • Children recorded as being from service families.

Every academy and school can select how they choose to use their Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for students. Every school needs to be held accountable for how this money is spent, which is why we make details of how it is used available on our website

Am I eligible?

If you are in receipt of any of the following, your child may be eligible for Pupil Premium and free school meals from year 3 onwards.

-Income Support

Income based Job Seekers Allowance

Income related Employment and Support Allowance

Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Child Tax Credit, with no element of Working Tax Credit, and a household income below £16,190 (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs)

Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit

Universal Credit if a child resides in a local authority care home they will not qualify for free school meals. This is because government funding has already been allocated to fund their meals.

How Do I Apply?

Reception Year 1 and Year 2

All children at this age are eligible for free school meals, so you will need to apply separately for the pupil premium for your child's school.

Please be aware that a child must reside with the applicant to receive the pupil premium.

Year 3 and above

If your child is in year 3 and above, and you want to check eligibility for pupil premium, please use the free school meals form to apply for pupil premium entitlement.

The school the child is attending will automatically get a pupil premium amount if the child is eligible for free school meals. 

Are you eligible for Pupil Premium funding 

Please note, it will remain confidential that you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits that you are claiming.

Historic Pupil Premium Information