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Thrapston Primary School

Curriculum Rationale

Brooke Weston Trust – Primary Curriculum Rationale


Our curriculum has been developed in collaboration with the Brooke Weston Trust Curriculum Development Team, subject leads, subject associations, national experts and teaching staff over time, and has come about through many reflective and analytical discussions. The curriculum is organic and is regularly moderated, evaluated and adapted to meet the ever-changing needs of our children and the diverse communities in which we serve.

There is great strength in a common curriculum: shared expertise and planning, joint professional development, a standardised assessment framework and joint opportunities for our children. Through a shared vision we work together to deliver a curriculum which transforms lives.


The purpose of Brooke Weston Trust is to transform educational performance in the communities where we work through our long-term commitment to improve student achievement by removing the barriers to learning and providing opportunities for personal development.

To find out more about the vision and values of the Brooke Weston Trust visit


Our Collective Destination

All BWT Primary Schools are ambitious for their pupils to be successful, confident, engaged and responsible young people with the attributes to succeed and contribute in the wider world.

Successful individuals with a love of learning who

  • Have essential skills of reading, read for pleasure and become lifelong readers;
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of ways with a rich vocabulary;
  • Are motivated and determined to reach their full potential, now and in the future;
  • Are open to new thinking and ideas;
  • Able to learn independently and collaboratively, as part of a team;
  • Have enquiring minds and think for themselves to process information, reason, question and evaluate;
  • Are creative, innovative and resourceful, able to identify and solve problems in ways that draw upon a range of learning areas;
  • Know about big ideas and events that shape our world.
  • Appreciate the beauty, awe and wonder of the world.

Confident individuals with the skills to contribute and thrive in an ever-changing world, who

  • Have a sense of self-worth, self-awareness and personal identity that enables them to manage their emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing;
  • Relate well to others and maintain good relationships;
  • Become increasingly independent and able to take the initiative;
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices;
  • Take managed risks and stay safe;
  • Are willing to try new things and make the most of opportunities;
  • Have a sense of optimism about their lives and the future;
  • Develop personal values and attributes such as honesty, empathy and respect for others.

Engaged individuals with persistence, resilience, creativity and enthusiasm, who

  • Have a determination to learn and overcome obstacles;
  • Embrace challenge and the learning opportunities offered them;
  • Aspire to be the best they can be;
  • Mutually respect and trust themselves and others;
  • Collaboratively pursue excellence;
  • Actively involve and immerse themselves in school and community life;
  • Celebrate uniqueness and being part of one school and Trust family;
  • Are intrinsically motivated to be the best they can be.

Responsible individuals making a positive contribution to society, who

  • Are prepared for their role as a family member, in their community and life in modern Britain;
  • Have secure values and beliefs and have principles to distinguish right from wrong;
  • Understand their own and others’ cultures and traditions within British Heritage, and have a strong sense of their own place in the world;
  • Co-operate with others;
  • Respect others and act with integrity;
  • Appreciate diversity;
  • Sustain and improve the environment, locally and globally.


The Tickets For Our Collective Destination

Our curriculum eliminates disadvantage by:

  1. Understanding wellbeing in relation to physical and mental health and managing risk effectively to keep themselves safe;
  2. Prioritising reading across our curriculum. The engagement with wonderful children’s literature and high-quality texts is at the heart of our curriculum design and all our teaching;
  3. Prioritising the development of children’s vocabulary and spoken language.
  4. Ensuring all children have a ‘cultural capital’ entitlement of ’50 before Y7’ which is uniquely devised to embrace the natural world, the arts, citizenship and enterprise;
  5.  Providing the highest quality learning and developmental experiences both in and out of the classroom, ensuring staff and children are challenged, engaged and enthusiastic participants in all learning sequences across all subjects.